Vision: To establish missional communities that extend the Kingdom in tangible ways into Transylvania County and beyond.

Mission: To join God on mission—to give every man, woman, and child repeated opportunities to respond to the Gospel of Jesus without having to come or go anywhere.

We are a community of believers pursuing Jesus and trying to embody the values we find in scripture and represented in the early church. A distinct value of the early church is that they always gathered together. (Acts 2:42-47). As they gathered, they devoted themselves to the Apostles' teaching, communion, prayer, fellowship, and sacrificial giving of their resources.

Our Sunday gatherings are casual (come as you are) and feature Bible-based teaching and thoughtful, gospel-centered worship, all in what we hope is a welcoming environment.

Believing that life change occurs best in the context of relationships, we desire to do life together in smaller groups. Village Groups are critical to this unique calling.  We believe the church in our area profoundly needs to experience the love of Christ through small communities that intentionally live and love as Jesus did.

Village groups exist to bring all people into a community where they can experience the love of Christ and learn, celebrate, and live the Gospel.